

INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society / Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja

As the editorial board of the journal INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society / Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja we are pleased to give our patronage to the conference Encountering the other: biographies, spaces and relationships in adult education to be held in Wrocław, Poland, 3-6 March 2022 at the University of Lower Silesia.

Our journal offers a place for multi-field thinking about education, both in terms of theory and practice. The principal task of the journal consists in animating dialogue between academics working in social sciences and humanities, particularly ones dealing with philosophy of education and scrutinising educational processes and institutions from different disciplinary perspectives and theoretical orientations. We invite the best submissions presented and discussed during the conference.
As a result of INSTED’s previous cooperation with ESREA – European Society for Research on the Education of Adults, particularly with their Life History and Biography Network, two numbers of the journal were published in 2021, both including ESREA conference articles as regular, double-blind reviewed papers.
